Recruitment process steps
Preliminary analysis and reconstruction of the characteristics of the position to be filled and the organizational context of the Client company
Definition of the ideal candidate profile (providing the same level of importance to the requirements of professional knowledge, management capability and personal attitude)and the indicative conditions of employment
Sharing with the Client the procedures for updating and presenting results
Preparing a detailed cooperation proposal that contains all the information related to company and position, a description of the chosen methodology and an economical proposal
Definition of the targets, in terms of industries and type of companies
Direct search by carriying out a deep exploration of companies, industries, functions and professional groups that offer the best opportunity to find the specific candidates
Research through the databaseand the network of Euren InterSearch direct contacts
Activation of the different e-recruitment tools (web adv, on line db, social networking, search engines, ...)
Candidate identification and first contact
Preliminary screening of the identified candidates during the research phase
Interviews with identified and selected candidates and in-depth analysis of the various personal and professional aspects as well as real motivations
Possible use of specific tools for potential and competence assessment (eg: assessment centre, test, …) upon Client’s request
Prepare a personal report (which format could be shared in advance with the Client), for each suitable candidate so that the Client is able to make a first evaluation
Provide the Client with a short-list of candidates considered to be in-line with the searched profile, and forming a proper number of candidates compared to the number of required resources
Organize Client’s interviews with the candidates
Reference check
Possible support from Euren InterSearch in the selection/negotiation phase run by the Client
- We commit ourselves to provide a feedback to the candidates who take part in any phase of the search and selection process, whatever the personal outcome may be. The purpose of keeping constant contacts with the candidates is to strengthen the company’s image in terms of visibility on the labour market and fairness in interpersonal relations
- Every above-mentioned phase is, of course, preparatory to the next phase and our activity will be completed with the preparation of a report for every suitable candidate, as well as with the implementation of a file that will enable the tracking of the activity carried out. This file will be used as an update for the Client
- Accomplishment of all duties related to the management of the candidates’ personal data through the proper tools required by the Ministerial Authorisation n. 196/2003